Super Seducer 3 – Flix and Tricks Package

£ 12.99

SKU: 4460-7 Category:


The Super Seducer 3 – Flix and Tricks Package includes:

  • Bonus Video 1: Sexy Men Teach Sex + The Fashion of Super Seducer
  • Bonus Video 2: How to Pick Up in Actual Fact
  • Interviews with the Ladies of Super Seducer Part 1
  • Interviews with the Ladies of Super Seducer Part 2
  • Interviews with the Ladies of Super Seducer Part 3

Sexy Men Teach Sex + The Fashion of Super Seducer
Following on from our sex education level on Super Seducer 3, this DLC features my interview with one of the world's best sex experts. You'll learn the in-depth details of what it takes to be good in bed. Previously only available as part of my high price training course, this DLC is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their bedroom skills!

The second part of the DLC is a guided tour of Richard La Ruina's wardrobe, showing you some of the items from the Super Seducer games, and his outlook on fashion and style.

How to Pick Up in Actual Fact
Super Seducer 3 has accurate dating advice, but there are limits. Some situations are compressed, and sometimes the goals that players go for would be a little different in real life. For those that want to get useable skills in those environments and others, this bonus will give you the applicable tips in an A-Z step-by-step method for use in your everyday dating life.

Interviews with the Ladies of Super Seducer Part 1
Check out an interview with Maria from the Gym level of Super Seducer 3, and a chat with Lilya from Super Seducer 1 & 2. All things dating and relationships, with some female perspective advice.

Super Seducer 3: Interviews with the Ladies of Super Seducer Part 2
In this episode you'll see interviews with Emma from Super Seducer 3's Supermarket level, and a chat between Richard La Ruina and his wife and SS series producer Kate La Ruina. Emma shares lots of her preferences and advice for men when it comes to dating. Kate and Richard talk about the challenges of making Super Seducer 3, their plans for the future, what they'd do differently with more budget, and why this is the last ever Super Seducer game.

Super Seducer 3: Interviews with the Ladies of Super Seducer Part 3
In this episode you'll see an interview from the much-loved "Sarah" from Super Seducer 2's office level. She will talk about what she looks for in a man. The second interview is with Nastya who was the only actress to be featured in all 3 Super Seducer games! She'll talk about her dating history and her likes and dislikes when it comes to dating.

System Requirements: Super Seducer 3 – Flix and Tricks Package

System Requirements: Windows

OS: Windows 7 or later
CPU: Intel Core i3 4th generation
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000
HDD: 32 GB

The game is also available in chinese and korean

System Requirements: Mac OS

OS: OSX 10.9
CPU: Intel Core i3 4th generation
HDD: 32 GB

Additional information




